Full-Arch Dental Implants
in Modesto

Candidates for Full-Arch Implants

Full arch implants are a great option for you if you’ve lost most or all of your teeth due to chronic dental health issues like tooth decay and gum disease, or as a result of dental trauma from an accident. As long as your jaw bone is relatively healthy, you may be a good candidate for full-arch implants at our Modesto office.

Just like traditional dentures, full-arch dental implants can be used to restore both arches of your teeth. However, full-arch implants have the added benefit of supporting the health of your jaw. Full-arch implants last 30+ years with proper care and will never move or shift in your mouth. 

full arch implants

Full-Arch Implants
vs. Dentures

Compared to traditional dentures, full-arch implants have a number of advantages. First, they will never shift or move, which makes them look and feel more natural, and ensures you can eat any food you want. 

Implant-supported dentures also help strengthen your jaw bone and prevent bone resorption, which is a common side effect of tooth loss. Bone resorption can alter the shape of your face and weaken your jaw. But with dental implants from our Modesto office, your jaw will remain healthy and strong.

Benefits of
Full-Arch Implants

If you are missing multiple teeth or you are looking for a smile restoration option that offers more stability than traditional dentures, full-arch implants may be right for you! With the unique advantages of this revolutionary treatment in Modesto, you will have a confident, complete smile again. Benefits of full-arch implants include:

Stability & Security

Since full-arch implants are firmly anchored to your jaw bone, they will never shift or move while you eat, chew, or speak. This means you can eat whatever you wish without worrying about the awkward, embarrassing feeling of moving dentures.

Long-Lasting Replacement

Dental implants last 30+ years with proper care. While implants may be a more costly restorative option up-front, their longevity makes them the best option over time. Traditional dentures will need to be realigned and remade every 7-10 years, but implants will often last for the rest of a patient’s life.

Natural Look & Feel

Our Modesto team will provide you with a custom-fitted set of implant dentures that are made of the highest-quality materials. With Dr. Acree’s skillful care and attention to detail, you can trust that your smile will look and feel completely natural after treatment.

Get Your Smile Back in Modesto